While studying with my visually impaired friends and teaching them Braille using LEGO® parts, I gained valuable insights from them. This experience has been exceptionally meaningful and will always be close to my heart. Collaborating with my younger friends, possibly because I have a little sister, added an extra layer of enjoyment. Although I have a strong passion for LEGO® design, which has been my most joyful activity since childhood, what brought me true happiness was creating LEGO® designs with my friends and witnessing their joy as they touched objects and understood their meaning.
Thanks to them, I was able to identify the areas in my application that needed improvement and received valuable feedback. To be honest, I haven’t been able to implement some of the improvement suggestions they pointed out yet. At the age of 15, my coding skills aren’t advanced enough for some of their ideas. I know that in 10 years, after I complete my engineering studies, I’ll have the expertise to fulfill all their requests. However, it’s essential to me to make these improvements before my friends grow older. For this reason, developing and updating this app with new versions is of great importance to me.
Especially when I think about the words of Mr. Ole Kirk Christiansen at the entrance of Lego House in Denmark, it further motivates me to enhance my app.
“Det bedste Er Ikke For Godt.”
“Only the best is good enough.”

Additionally, while working with my friends, we realized that the tactile nature of LEGO® parts is actually well-suited for them, leading us to brainstorm different application ideas. Exciting new apps are in the works!!!