After the dream-like week of WWDC, I started preparing for the Oxbridge Engineering Camp at the University of Oxford, which was just 15 days away. I was at the University of Oxford from June 30th to July 28th, and to be honest, I didn’t pay much attention to uploading my app to the App Store during that time.

Nevertheless, the engineering camp, which turned out to be highly beneficial for me, allowed me to make friends from all around the world. I worked on projects with valuable mentors and friends.

Thanks to the research methods lessons I received from my engineering instructor Ms. Carla V. Fuenteslópez, I believe I’ll be able to write my WWDC application report for future years much more easily. At the end of the engineering camp, I was honored to receive the “Engineering Prize for Outstanding Performance,” which is awarded to one student in every field every year. In my individual final project, I developed a project for preschool children and Alzheimer’s patients.

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